sw coast
from Sant'Antioco to Bosa
Diving spots
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Diving Sulcis-Iglesiente
Diving Sulcis-Iglesiente
Grotto Pan di Zucchero - Buggerru
You only get to see that this is a huge white rock, kind of limestone that rises from the sea to a height of about 35 mt, and that continues to sink under water by offering a spectacle walls covered with colorful sponges and parazohantus, fish and lobsters in hand and at the end of setting you enter a 5 mt, in a cave where you can remove the regulator and admire the time of the cave.
Wall Pan di Zucchero - Buggerru
arrived in the north side of the island, which rises from the sea to a height of about 35 mt, but below, do not stop offering a spectacle of a single wall falls among its gullies, covered with beautiful colors, anemones, sponges, Pelagic fish encountering large jellyfish of rare beauty, making it a beautiful dive!!!
Punta Menga - Porto Pino
Maximum depth: 20 mt.
is a draft beginning of the slabs that are immersed in offering them shelter for countless varieties
of fish such as corvina, Sarago fasciato, brown grouper, etc .... Candiani and Punta Menga .
From the pier to the right first beach then begins a rocky coast covered with lush pine forests. The first tip, Punta Tonnara item is a water level, the cave of kiss, dominated by a high level of rock 13 meters used by divers improvised, thanks to the bottom of 6 / 7 meters. After this point, between the other big tip (Punta Menga) extends a rocky coastline with pretty low number of direct access to water, the area known as Candiani. "The name comes from the battery anti / anti-Amm.
Candiani, located above Punta Menga. Even now visited the forts and trenches now falling,
built in the late'30s of the twentieth century to defend the port of Roanoke - apart from perfectly visible - during the war from the air raids. Punta Menga once there was a coastal tower, built probably on a nuraghe there.Secca Porto Sciusciau - Sant'Antioco
Behind the island of Sant'Antioco, at a depth of 25 meters.
Is a nearly dry water with a mass of volcanic rock at least 40 cm.
The dry unfolds with a ridge horseshoe 5 mt.
Until you reach the wall with a 18 mt.
In its cracks are groupers, congers, moray eels and an infinity of sponges of various colors.I Faraglioni - Nebida
It's a draft little challenging but fascinating for those who love staying down between rocks and sandbanks with burrows, where hiding lobsters and corvina with saraghi, not the absence of cuttlefish and octopus.
Grotta delle Cicale - Buggerru
Descends from the surface without delay with costoni up to, touch 25 mt, hiding in his dark cracks a cave where there are cicadas and congers.
Diving Isola di San Pietro
Diving Isola di San Pietro
1 – “SCOGLIO DELLA CATENA” (“Piana” Island) – Level: easy – Max depth: 18 m -
It is a small rock, North of “Piana”Island, that softly jumps down to an 18 m depth, through big square rocks. It is an area full of marine life, due to frequent current streams.
2 – “PIANA” ISLAND – Level: easy – Max depth: 18 m -
Huge square volcanic rocks, from shallow waters reach 17-18 m depth. Among those rocks there are many cracks, hosting interesting colored fishes and invertebrates.
3 – “TACCHE BIANCHE” ARCH – Level: easy – Max depth: 17 m -
We anchor on about 8-10 m of water, on a rock platform by The sea has eroded the platform with time, creating fascinating crossings, canyons, small caves, and an amazing arch. It easy to encounter there shoals of barracuda.
4 – “REGOLINA” POINT – Level: easy – Max depth: 30 m -
We start the dive on a large round rock which falls from 8-10 m down to 20 m, where we reach white sand. We swim towards an apparently uninteresting platform, which is on the contrary full of crossings and small caves, where groupers, lobsters, crabs, and squills live in.
5 – “TACCHE BIANCHE” WALL – Level: medium – Max depth: 24 m -
Amazing crossings in very small caves, maximum depth 24 m. There are a lot of shoals of small local fishes, but sometimes we can see groupers, crabs, and lobsters. At the entry of the cave there are lots of coral.
6 – “OCHE” CAVE – Level: easy – Max depth: 20 m -
We anchor in this beautiful, marvelously huge cave. The sea bottom is full of big rocks. Swimming sharply down in Northern direction, we reach the depth of 20 m. Coming back to the place of start, we find plenty of small shrimps and crabs. The sun light dances with sea waves in a very fascinating way.
7 – “ORCHE” POINT – Level: medium – Max depth: 27 m -
This volcanic rock reef, close to “Orche” point, is very jagged and it is rich of micro marine flora and fauna. Starting from 4 m, it descends down to 27 m. The presence of stream currents renders the area full of fishes, like barracuda, octopus, morays: a lot of fish varieties live there.
8 – “CONGER” REEF – Level: medium/high – Max depth: 40 m -
A large reef North of “Orche” point, which falls down both East and West. The area is pretty big it can be dived iteratively in several runs. At about 13-15 m depth, the reef offers two cones for staring the dive. During the dive, we find unexpected large holes, where groupers hide. It goes without saying, that there are also shoals of many fish families.
9 – “CIRCONVALLAZIONE” – Level: easy – Max depth: 20 m -
Soon passed “Orche “ point, along the sharp coast line, there is a narrow cave which enters deeply into the cliff.s. The sun rays, penetrating into the cave, produce amazing games of light and a create a spectacular atmosphere. The cave, deep inside, is always full of small shrimps who love darkness, and escape when you throw light to them with your torch.
10 – “STEA” CAVE – Level: medium- Max depth: 22 m -
Swimming on a rocky platform from a 17 m depth to about 22 m, we find an interesting small cave, ideal habitat for the kind of fishes that love darkness, such as congers, squills, crabs, and sometimes lobsters.
11 – “BAXILLI” ROCK – Level: easy – Max depth: 19 m -
A narrow canyon starts from shallow waters, falling smoothly down to about 18-19 m. Along our path, the sea bottom alternatively is sandy and rocky. All around there are shoals of sargos, morays, and many nudibranches.
12 – “ANCHOR” REEF – Level: difficult – Max depth: 40 m -
The top of this rock reef is at about 26 m depth, falling down to 40 m in small craters, where we can look at beautiful Mediterranean red coral, big congers and spiny lobsters. On the top of the reef there is a canyon, too small to swim in, but very good home for groupers.
13 – “BORRONA” – Level: easy – Max depth: 19 m -
We dive along the coast line, which under waters falls quite steeply. The small canyons in the rock are very interesting for the presence of groupers, morays, sargos.
14 – THE “SHIP” – Level: difficult – Max depth: 40 m -
We anchor on the top of this large rock reef, at about 19-20 m, close to the amazing lighthouse “Capo Sandalo”. We swim Northwards above a sand sea bottom. An interesting micro marine life lives there.
15 – “CORNO” ROCK (Northern side) – Level: medium – Max depth: 40 m -
We descend along the wall of the rock, reaching the sandy sea bottom at 38 m depth. We continue our dive, swimming along canyons parallel to the cliff, passing under huge round rocks. The dive can become very difficult, due to strong current streams. Currents assure a very exciting fish presence! Also the micro marine life is remarkable: yellow walls full of parazoanthus, colorful sponges and nudibranches.
16 – “CORNO” ROCK (Southern side) – Level: easy – Max depth: 25 m -
We anchor in 5 m, on a shallow reef very close to the “Corno” rock. We swim South ward in an amazing canyon. The presence of marine currents creates a strong dynamism and a very interesting vitality: huge shoals of sargos, of gray mullets, groupers and sometimes dentex.
17 – THE “CATHEDRAL” – Level: difficult – Max depth: 33 m -
It is a very beautiful cave, South of the “Corno” rock. We anchor on the top of the round rock reef at a depth of 19-20 m close to it. Then we swim towards the cave, reaching the maximum depth of 33 m. Albeit the cave is very roomy, divers must maintain very good buoyancy control to avoid to braking the copious red coral which covers the entire roof,. It is easy to find there spiny lobsters and scorpion fish.
18 – REEF “SPALMATORE” – Level: medium – Max depth: 35 m -
It is a platform which falls vertically on the sand at about 35-36 m. Along the wall there are many cracks where it is easy to find congers and spiny lobsters. On the top of the reef we often encounter shoals of sargos and groupers.
19 – “FRADELLIN” PINNACLES – Level: difficult – Max depth: 36 m -
A series of rock pinnacles, coming up from a sandy sea bottom of about 36 m depth, to about 18-20 m, thus creating a very funny and interesting path. A miriad of cracks in the rock are the ideal home for morays, groupers, congers. On the top of the pinnacles, shoals of many small fishes always swim all around.
20 – “FRADELLIN” POINT – Level: easy – Max depth: 26 m -
We dive along the cliff of “Fradellin” Point, which gradually falls down to a depth of 26 m. Along our path we swim above big rocks laying down on the sand, reaching the maximum depth, and then, coming back, we continue along the inlets of the coastline. There is a very interesting micro fauna life.
21 – “HALF MOON” CAVES – Level: easy – Max depth: 13 m -
The amazing cliffs of the “Half Moon Bay” continues under water, with big tunnels and caves entering deeply into the coast. Our diving path goes in and out from these caves reaching a maximum depth of 13 m. Amidst spectacular light games we can see the typical marine life of dark environments.
22 – “CONCA” – Level: easy – Max depth: 18 m -
The rocky shape of the coastline, in the area of “Conca”, continues under water, showing divers a rocky profile which falls in huge steps and creates long canyons full of micro fauna.
23 – REEF “GENIO” – Level: easy – Max depth: 18 m -
It is a huge reef in the Southern part of the Island. We dive on its North Western edge, which falls down in big steps of square rocks. It is very funny to swim in and out from canyon and passages. It is difficult to see big fishes there, but the place is full of small marine life, such as morays, sargos, groupers, crustaceans, molluscs, etc..
24 – THE “COLUMNS” – Level: easy – Max depth: 19 m -
Here we dive in a spectacular landscape of rocky columns, reaching the maximum depth of 19 m. These columns create a labyrinth of canyons and passages very interesting to divers. Amazing colonies of invertebrates and nudibranches offer themselves ideally to observation from those keen of micro fauna.
25 – BLACK POINT – Level: very easy – Max depth: 9 m -
Here the cliff continues underwater falling down to the sandy sea bottom. It is an ideal training spot for diving.
26 – THE HYDROFOIL – Level: very easy – Max depth: 8 m -
Outside the Carloforte harbor, in front of the “Giunco” beach, there is a small wreck of an hydrofoil, to be found between sand and sea grass at a depth of 8 m. This is an ideal training spot.
27 – THE REEF “MANGIABARCHE” – Level: difficult – Max depth: 38 m –
Huge rock reef West of the “Mangiabarche” lighthouse, on St. Antioco Island. We anchor at a sea depth of about 19-20 m ,close to the Western edge of the reef. Here the rock falls down steeply to the sea bottom, at about 38 m ,characterized by very thin sand. This thin sand covers all the rocks that lay around there, exhibiting to divers an amazing lunar atmosphere. Only here do we find beautiful, tall yellow sponges (axinella cannabina), and big sea urchins. And an unbelievable ancient roman anchor stock, three meters long.
28 – THE REEF “POMATA” – Level: difficult – Max depth: 45 m -
Isolated rock reef, about 1 mile from the Southern coast of the St. Antioco Island. The top is at 13 m depth, falling down vertically to 45 m. It is always full of marine life, for the presence of current streams: big groupers, sargos, spiny lobster and huge shoals of small fishes.
29 – THE ROCK OF THE BULL – Level: difficult -Max depth: 40 m -
It is a big, amazing volcanic rock, in the South part of St. Antioco Island, which falls steeply down to more than 40 m. The marine flora and fauna is testimonial of a hydrodynamic environment, for the presence of strong current streams. For that reason, here we find some seaweeds not present anywhere else, such as “dictyopteris mambranacea”. We can also encounter some interesting pelagic species.
30 – THE CAVE “PAN DI ZUCCHERO” – Level: easy – Max depth: 19 m -
Along the Sardinian coastline, in the Northern part of St. Peter’s Island, just behind the wonderful “Pan di Zucchero” stack, there are the most ancient cliffs in Europe. Here, at a depth of 13 m, an ample and long cave enters into the rock, crossing the cliff. Coming out from the cave, we continue swimming along the coastline, encountering amazing passages, until we reach a second cave. This one is not very deep, but it hides a huge air breathing bubble, enriched by a drinkable fresh water source.